News & Upcoming Events

We will enjoy some special music during worship this Sunday, April 22nd as Loretta Hoerman (flute) and Ted Quast (violin) team up with organist Laurie Jackson.

Also, this is the last Sunday to order cinnamon rolls and/or tamales to help the Doorstep Spring Fundraiser. You can see Linda Longren to place your order. Here is the flyer with all info:  2018 Cinnamon Rolls Tamales Flyer

For a good evening meal that also supports a mission program, drop in at St. John’s Lutheran Church, 9th & Fillmore, Tuesday, April 24th, 5-7 pm, for their 60th Annual Smorgasbord for Missions.

And two events next Sunday, April 29th I want to mention:
1. 5th Sunday Special for Doorstep
2. Hymn Festival at Grace Cathedral, 3 pm, sponsored by Topeka American Guild of Organists. Dr. John Behnke’s program will feature hymns from the Easter season and more. This event is free.