We have three groups of Alcoholics Anonymous that meet at Trinity. Two of those are for women on Monday and Wednesday; the other is for men on Thursday. To find out more about groups, please go to Alcoholics Anonymous
Doorstep of Topeka
This is a joint ministry of 55 churches in Topeka that support various community needs particularly those that are economically stressed. Trinity is a major supporter of Doorstep and supports it throughout the year. We are constantly thinking about the need of those for grocery supplies and have our own collection place so that goods can get to those in need at Doorstep.
Please go to Doorstep to learn more.

Historic Old Town NIA
Trinity is happy to be the meeting place for the NIA. They normally meet the second Wednesday of the month at 6:30pm. We partner with the NIA in throwing neighborhood events and our community garden that is grown on the congregation’s land.
Check out the NIA on Facebook at Historic Old Town NIA
Other Community Partnerships:
- Cair Paravel Latin School
- Topeka PD North Central Community Police Relations
- DoveTail Shop
- Luther Place and Martin Creek
- Topeka Rescue Mission
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