Good news of a more earthly nature…

 Psalm 90: 1-2

Lord, you have been our dwelling place in all
generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever you had formed the earth and the world, from everlasting to
everlasting you are God.

With grateful hearts to our Generous and Loving God, the Council is pleased to announce that Trinity is officially debt-free as of March 9, 2018. The remaining mortgage balance of $41,798.96 was paid off with resources from the Building Fund, the Murphy Bequest, and the Donna Allen Bequest. Thank you to all members who generously supported paying off the mortgage throughout its existence.

Now on to the next challenge. General Fund revenue for the first two months of 2018 lags expenses by about $2,000 so I am asking you to prayerfully consider increasing your General Fund offering. An increase by all contributing members would bring the difference down considerably. Perhaps it could be moving what you were offering to the Building Fund to the General Fund since the mortgage is retired. Or maybe you can increase your General Fund offering each month.

The Council is deeply concerned about how our General Fund imbalance could impact our ability to call a new permanent part-time pastor. Being debt-free and showing that revenue and expenses are in line makes us more attractive to potential candidates.

Thank you again for your support of Trinity and for your prayerful consideration of future giving!

Bob Horton
TLC Council President