We welcome you to come to Sunday Worship at 10:30am. At this time, we are using Facebook for our Sunday Worship Premieres and posting on Youtube for those that would like to see the service after Sunday morning. The most recent service is posted on the homepage or under the Members page, you can find a listing of all our recent services to watch as you would like.
If you have never been to a Lutheran church, this page will give you an idea about how we worship so that you will know what to expect. We understand that it can be stressful or nervous to visit a space you have never been or to worship in a way that might not have been what you were raised doing. Therefore, if you ever feel lost or need help, always ask someone around you…we are here to to be with you in worship (and even expert Lutherans sometimes get turned around).

We worship using the Evangelical Lutheran Worship (which are the Red Books in the pews). As you come into worship with us, greeters will hand you a service bulletin that will be your roadmap to worship.
We start the service with a section that focuses on the Word. This part is call the service of the Word due to the fact that we read the Bible together and hear a sermon. In the mix of that, we include prayers and music that helps us connect with the scripture. On Sundays, we read three passages from the Bible with the Gospel being our last. Normally, the sermon ties into the dominate themes in the scripture passages of the day. At the end of this part of worship, we have the Passing of the Peace. For us, this is a major time of fellowship! We are a church that embraces this time to see all of our church family. It is our version of a mini-homecoming.
The next part is called the service of the Table. This is the part of the service that is based on the Last Supper. As a community, we come together in memory and in renewed faith in what Jesus shared with his disciples on his last day. When we talk about this part of the service, it might also be referred to as Communion. Other churches you have attended might call this Eucharist or Mass…it is all the same.
The most important thing during this part of the service is to know that You Are Welcome at God’s Table. That means that we believe all Christians are free to come and share in the meal together. We believe that we are all guest of our Savior Jesus Christ who is our Good Shepherd.
Before we come to the table, we hear the scripture of the Last Supper from the pastor and pray together the Lord’s Prayer. One of the ushers will guide people up to the rails around the table. If you do not feel comfortable taking communion, just let the pastor know and he will be glad to give you a blessing.
At the end of the service, we take a moment for prayers that focus us outward with our renewed faith. A blessing is given to send us all out into the world to proclaim the Gospel and to live our lives more Christ like.

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