The Worship of God Should Be Free…In all Places, By All Peoples, At all Times! -Martin Luther
As a Lutheran church, we worship with traditional liturgy of our faith. Each Sunday we celebrate a Service of Word and Table that brings together all Christ’s followers renewed in faith to bring the Gospel into the world.
Our Sunday service is at 10:30am.
You only have one service on Sunday?
As a church, we believe that we are one family. On Sunday, we gather as one church family to worship the Lord. Many churches these days have a “traditional” and “contemporary” service. While this practice works for some churches, our church would rather have everyone together on Sunday. We believe this so much that the “Passing of the Peace” is quite longer than at most churches as our members want to greet you (and maybe give you a big hug and ask about how you are doing).
What is a “traditional liturgy”?
This means that we follow the pattern of worship that has been passed down for centuries in the Christian faith. Each Sunday, we have a worship service that includes scripture readings, prayers for the community, preaching, a generous time for the “Peace” (greeting each other in the church), and is concluded with a service of communion. Being a Lutheran church, we are enriched by the use of music and hymns throughout our service.
My Children Are A Little Playful and Loud….
At this church, all are welcomed to worship God on Sunday morning, including the little ones. We have long had the tradition of a children’s sermon during the service, where children are given their own teaching of our faith. After this, children take activity packs (that includes a healthy snack) to do while the adults listen to the main sermon. If you find that you need step out, know that there is a seating area just outside the sanctuary with a sofa and children’s items. Additionally, there is also a nursery in Trinity Hall.
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